Privacy Policy

Your privacy matters to us

We take care to protect the privacy of our customers, visitors and users of our products, at events, over the phone, through email, through our websites and social media platforms.

360 Dot Net Limited is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information in accordance with the UK GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018 (“Data protection legislation”) and any replacement legislation which may come into effect. We take care to protect the privacy of our customers, visitors and users of our products that communicate (online or offline) with us, at events, over the phone, through email, through our websites and social media platforms.

We have developed this privacy notice to inform you of the data we collect, what we do with your information, what we do to keep it secure as well as the rights and choices you have over your personal information.

360 Dot Net Limited is the data controller for the personal information we process, unless otherwise stated. We are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (the ICO) with registration number Z2674467.

You can contact us either by phone, email or post.

Our main 360 Dot Net Limited Trading/postal address:

12-14 Upper Marlborough Road
St Albans

Phone: 08456 592360

Our Data Protection Officer is:

The DPO Centre Ltd.
50 Liverpool Street

This Privacy Notice explains:

  • How, when and why we collect personal information
  • How we use the information
  • How long we keep it
  • When and how we may share it with others
  • How we keep it secure, and
  • Your privacy rights and how the law protects you

We only use personal information if we have an appropriate reason (lawful basis) to do so and this includes sharing information outside 360 Dot Net Limited.

Based on your Consent, including:

  • When you request us to disclose your personal data to other people or organisations, such as a person or company handling an account on your behalf, or otherwise agree to disclosures.
  • When we process any special categories of personal data about you at your request (e.g., your racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data, data concerning your health, sex life or sexual orientation); and
  • To send you marketing communications where we’ve asked for your consent to do so. You are free at any time to change your mind and withdraw your consent.

As necessary to uphold our Contractual obligation with you, including:

  • To take steps at your request prior to entering into it
  • To decide whether to enter into it
  • To manage and perform that contract
  • To update our records

As necessary to comply with a Legal obligation, including:

  • When you or any of your related persons exercise available rights under data protection law
  • For compliance with legal and regulatory requirements and related disclosures
  • For establishment and defence of legal rights
  • For activities relating to the prevention, detection, and investigation of crime

As necessary for our own Legitimate interests, including:

  • Governance, accounting, managing, and auditing our business operations
  • To monitor emails, calls, other communications, and activities on your account, product, or service
  • For market research, analysis and developing statistics

Where we process personal data as it is necessary for the performance of the contract, or to take steps prior to entering into a contract, if you do not provide all of the requested personal data then 360 Dot Net Limited may not be able to enter into and perform the contract with you.

Where we process special category personal data (e.g. health information, race, ethnic origin etc) we will ensure the correct lawful basis and special condition are applied. If you do have any concerns to how we use a lawful basis and special condition you can contact us using our details as described in this notice or you can contact our Data Protection Officer as also described above.

We obtain information when you:

  • Complete an online contact form
  • Speak to us on the telephone
  • Provide information via email or post
  • Make a payment (including via cheque, BACs, direct debit etc.)
  • Sign a contract
  • Complete a survey
  • Sign up to receive marketing material
  • Testimonials
  • Face-to-face events

The personal information we collect may include:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Telephone number
  • Enquiry details
  • Credit/debit card information; including bank details for direct debit payers
  • Testimonials
  • Voice recordings of telephone calls made to the Service Desk

360 Dotnet uses the following processors to process your data:

  • We use Tidio, Horizon, Brevo, SurveyMonkey, Manage Engine and HubSpot.

We use your information to:

  • Process an application or renewal that you have made for 360 Dot Net
  • Seek your views or comments on the services we provide
  • Notify you of changes to our services
  • Send you communications which you have requested and that may be of interest to you, which may include information about new products, services, events, and activities
  • Handle an enquiry or complaint
  • Publish your testimonial
  • Process any refunds that may be applicable
  • Calls to the service desk are recorded to monitor the interaction between our Staff and the callers for training purposes and to deal with any complaints made by either party such as verbal abuse

From time to time we will advertise on our website vacancies which may arise. For the recruitment and selection, we will require personal data to determine a pool of suitable applicants. More information on data processing for recruitment can be found here.

We do not carry out criminal records checks in our recruitment process.

We review how long we keep personal information on a regular basis. We are legally required to hold some types of information to fulfil our statutory obligations, for example, all financial records are held for seven years. In other areas of the business, we hold your personal information on our systems, only for only as long as is necessary for the relevant activity, or as long as is set out in any relevant contract or agreement you hold with us.

If you use the online chat function this may be held by our Helpdesk for up to three years if a ticket is raised.

If you call the Helpdesk, the call recordings are held for six months. If a ticket is subsequently raised, this may be held by our Helpdesk for up to three years.

360 Dot Net Limited takes data security very seriously. We will ensure personal data will be kept safe and secure against any instances (including but not limited to) loss, misuse or alteration. If we become aware of any instances where personal data may be compromised in anyway, we will work closely with our IT team, DPO and other parties as necessary to investigate the incident at hand. We have put into place the relevant procedure and policies in place to investigate, mitigate and report (when needed to relevant parties) such instances.

360 Dot Net Limited’s website is built in HTTPS. The principal motivation for HTTPS is authentication of the website and protection of the privacy and integrity of the information exchanged while in transit. You can be assured that any personal information that requires extra security (such as credit or debit card details) is encrypted and protected using industry standard security measures, including the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol.

Telephone Calls made to the Helpdesk are recorded on an AES 256 encrypted system.

Online Chat is encrypted using AES 256 SSL protocol.

360 Dot Net Limited uses third party processors where needed to carry out certain activities for us. These third parties are Horizon for recording telephone communications and Tidio for online chat. Tidio may transfer some of your data outside the UK. Where such data transfers do occur, Standard Contractual Clauses are used to ensure that there are appropriate safeguards in place for the data transfer to take place.

The right to be informed about our collection and use of personal data

You have the right to be informed about the collection and use of your personal data. We ensure we do this with our internal data protection policies and through our external website notice. These are regularly reviewed and updated to ensure these are accurate and reflect our data processing activities.

Right to access your personal information

You have the right to access the personal information that we hold about you in many circumstances, by making a request. This is sometimes termed ‘Data Subject Access Request’. If we agree that we are obliged to provide personal information to you (or someone else on your behalf), we will provide it to you or them free of charge and aim to do so within 1 month from when your identity has been confirmed.

We would ask for proof of identity and sufficient information about your interactions with us that we can locate your personal information.

If you would like to exercise this right, please contact

Right to correction of your personal information

If any of the personal information we hold about you is inaccurate, incomplete, or out of date, you may ask us to correct it.

If you would like to exercise this right, please contact

Right to stop or limit (restrict) our processing of your data

You have the right to object to us processing your personal information for particular purposes, to have your information deleted if we are keeping it too long or have its processing restricted in certain circumstances.

If you would like to exercise this right, please contact

Right to erasure

You have the right to have personal data erased. This is also known as the ‘right to be forgotten’. The right is not absolute and only applies in certain circumstances.

If you would like to exercise this right, please contact

Right to portability

The right to portability gives you the right to receive personal data you have provided to a controller in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format. It also gives you the right to request that a controller transmits this data directly to another controller.

If you would like to exercise this right, please contact

Right to withdraw consent

Where we have gained your consent for activities such as marketing communications you have the opportunity to withdraw your consent at any time by emailing and requesting removal.

If you withdraw your consent, we will no longer process your information for the purpose or purposes you originally agreed to, unless we have another legitimate basis for doing so in law.

Right to refer to the supervisory authority

For more information about your privacy rights

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) regulates data protection and privacy matters in the UK. They make a lot of information accessible to consumers on their website and they ensure that the registered details of all data controllers such as ourselves are available publicly. You can access them here

If you have any questions or concerns to this notice or please send an email to

Effective date: August 27th 2024